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Andriko Noto Susanto Research was aim to make map of soil fertility status and its management on farmland in Plain of Waeapo, Buru Island have been conducted at 25.400 ha area, in year 2000. Evaluate of soil fertility status conducted in each soil-mapping unit and delineated with landscape mapping approach. Result of research that soil fertility status in Plain of Waeapo is very low, low, middle and high, with wide respectively 17.145, 5.182, 1.549 and 1.542 ha. Limiting factor to soil fertility is lowering of cation exchange capacities (CEC), C-Organic, K 2 O, P 2 O 5 and base saturation. Alternative of land management suggested is improving C-organic and CEC which at the same time also can improve soil nutrient content by giving organic materials like manure, straw compost (rich of K), chicken waste and guano (rich of P), accompanied with giving of inorganic manure like N, P, and K pursuant to soil chemical analysis. At area with landform undulating to hilly needed ...

Penelitian Pendahuluan Mengenai Status Hara Fosfor (P) pada Tanah Pertanian di Propinsi Maluku

Andriko Noto Susanto dan R. Agus Widodo Prelimenary study on P distribution in Mollucas Province have been carried out in June 1998 through July 1999. Single and comosite soil were collected from 15 area of island groups I, III, V, VI and VIII. P status was determined by extraction in HCl 25% method. Concentration of<20mg P2O5/100gr soil was considered low status, while those with ranges of 20-40 mg P2O5/100 gr soil and >40 mg P2O5/100 gr soil were moderate and high status, respectively. Results showed that of 42 samples analyzed, 19 samples were considered having low P status (1.53-19.54 mg P2O5/100 gr soil) 12 samples having moderate P status (28.20-35.60 mg P2O5/100 gr soil) and 11 samples was high (42.20-674.82 mg P2O5/100 gr soil).

Prospek dan strategi pengembangan jagung untuk mendukung ketahanan pangan di Maluku

Andriko Noto Susanto dan  M.P. Sirappa Corn is one of the main commodities of palawija (crops planted as second crop in dry season) in Indonesia regarding to corn industry, especially for food and feed. Domestic and exsport demand for corn will be considerable high up to the year 2010. The corn development opportunity in Moluccas to support national food security is prospective due to available dry land for corn development and applicable technology already given. From dry land area in Moluccas of 853,250 ha, corn area occupies 11,998 ha and other palawija besides corn is 21,099 ha, so there are 820.153 ha which have potency for corn development. Some factors that should be considered in corn farming development are availability of landfarm, applied technologies, participant characteristics, regulatory parties, and government or private investors to support on-farm and off-farm activities. To increase farmers skill in agribusiness development, it is needed to apply p...


ANDRIKO NOTO SUSANTO  Foods is one of the basic needs for human life adequately demanded in terms of quantity/quality, cheaply available in various sources. Food security in the region includes local commodities which are biophysically, socially and economically available and proofed to help overcome food scarcity in that particular region. In Moluccas province "sago" is widely recognized as the main source of carbohydrate. However, its used tend to decline yearly. In promoting substitution 15% of sago into the expecting dietary pattern of the Moluccas society, requires 22.873 hectare and 24.188 hectare harvesting areas of sago in 2006 and 2010, respectively ifharvested is assumed every two years. If the harvesting period is three years, the harvesting areas needed increases to 33.677 hectare for year 2006 and 36.281 ha for year 2010. The increasing of the producing tree to be 134 trees / ha with the dry content of the flour is about 185 kg / tree, can signific...


  Andriko Noto Susanto dan Marthen P. Sirappa   Pembangunan pertanian di Provinsi Maluku, yang didominasi oleh pulau pulau kecil, memerlukan perencanaan secara spesifik. Salah satu informasi dasar yang dibutuhkan untuk pengembangan pertanian di pulau pulau kecil  tersebut adalah peta sumber daya lahan, yang memberikan informasi penting tentang distribusi, luasan, tingkat kesesuaian, faktor pembatas, dan alternatif pengelolaan lahan yang rasional. Peta yang tersedia untuk perencanaan pembangunan pertanian di Provinsi Maluku adalah peta zona agroekologi yang meliputi seluruh wilayah Provinsi Maluku, sedangkan peta pada tingkat semidetail sampai detail baru tersedia untuk beberapa wilayah, yaitu dataran Waeapo, Kairatu dan Kamariang, serta Pulau Selaru dan Wokam. Berdasarkan data atau peta tersebut, Provinsi Maluku memiliki peluang yang cukup besar untuk pengembangan per...

Pemetaan Kesuburan Tanah Sawah di Dataran Waeapo, Buru, Maluku

      Akurasi pemetaan status kesuburan tanah sawah dapat meningkatkan efisiensi pemupukan, optimalisasi produktivitas padi sawah, dan menurunkan resiko kerusakan lingkungan. Rekomendasi pemupukan padi sawah di dataran Waeapo saat masih bersifat umum belum didasarkan pada keragaman spesifik kesuburan tanah, sehingga efisiensinya rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan metode evaluasi kesuburan tanah terbaik, dan dilanjutkan dengan identifikasi faktor pembatas kesuburan sebagai dasar pengelolaan hara spesifik lokasi. Digunakan lima metode evaluasi kesuburan  yaitu satu metode dari FAO (1983), satu dari PPT (1983) dan tiga dari Kyuma (2004). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa evaluasi status potensial inherent kesuburan tanah (IP) dari Kyuma (2004), memberikan nilai korelasi paling tinggi terhadap produktivitas padi dibanding FAO dan PPT, sehingga dianggap sebagai metode yang baik untuk menilai status kesuburan tanah sawah. Semakin banyak sifat-sifa...