Andriko Noto Susanto dan M.P. Sirappa
Corn is one of the main commodities of palawija (crops planted as second crop in dry season) in Indonesia regarding to corn industry, especially for food and feed. Domestic and exsport demand for corn will be considerable high up to the year 2010. The corn development opportunity in Moluccas to support national food security is prospective due to available dry land for corn development and applicable technology already given. From dry land area in Moluccas of 853,250 ha, corn area occupies 11,998 ha and other palawija besides corn is 21,099 ha, so there are 820.153 ha which have potency for corn development. Some factors that should be considered in corn farming development are availability of landfarm, applied technologies, participant characteristics, regulatory parties, and government or private investors to support on-farm and off-farm activities. To increase farmers skill in agribusiness development, it is needed to apply participatory approaches.
Jurnal Litbang Pertanian Vol. 24 No. 2 Th. 2005
Jurnal Litbang Pertanian Vol. 24 No. 2 Th. 2005
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