Andriko Noto Susanto, Marthen P Sirappa, Alex J Rieuwpassa
The study aimed to determine the zoning of farming systems and land management alternatives to address the growth limiting factor on agricultural lands in the lowlands of Waeapo, Buru Island was conducted in an area of 25,400 ha. Land evaluation performed on each soil mapping units (SMU) are delineated based on mapping the landscape approach. While the direction of land use based on technical considerations, economic and land suitability class is best for any type of commodity or commodity group in each SMU. The results showed that the use of land in Plain Waeapo directed to Lowland agriculture (paddy) covering 16,033 ha (63%), farming rice and vegetables, covering an area of 1,168 ha (4.6%), dry land farming (upland rice, corn, soybeans and peanuts) covering 533 ha (2.1%), coconut plantations covering an area of 2,210 ha (8.7%) and conservation of forest area of 6,654 ha (26.2%). The limiting factor is the growth is nutrient retention, oxygen availability, rooting media, sulfidic hazard, flood and erosion hazards. Land management can be done by liming, fertilizer organic/inorganic, manufacturing talid flood control, create drainage channels, and conservation tillage systems.
Note :
Susanto, A.N., M.P. Sirappa, A.J. Rieuwpassa, dan E.D. Waas. 2005a Pewilayahan Sistem Usahatani (Farming System Zone) pada Dataran Waeapo di Pulau Buru, Provinsi Maluku, dalam Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Pertanian Berwawasan Agribisnis Mendukung Pembangunan Pertanian Wilayah Kepulauan. Penyunting : A. Hasanuddin; A. Tupamahu; J.B. Alfons; M.J. Pattinama; M.P. Sirappa; S. Bustaman dan M. Titahena. Pusat Analisis Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian. Bogor. p.157-167.
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