Andriko N Susanto, M.P. Sirappa, A.J. Riuwpassa, E.D. Waas and J.B. Alfons
Research to determine soil classification, in Wokam Island have been conducted in the year 2003. Result of research indicate that soil in Wokam Island classified as ENTISOLS (Typic Udipsamments and Lithic Udorthents), INCEPTISOLS (Typic Endoaquepts and Typic Halaquepts), MOLLISOLS (Inceptic Haprendolls, Lithic Haprendolls, Inceptic Hapludolls, Vertic Hapludolls, and Lithic Hapludolls), and ALFISOLS ( Typic Hapludalfs and Mollic Hapludalfs).
Susanto, A.N., M.P. Sirappa, A.J. Rieuwpassa, E.D. Waas dan J.B. Alfons. 2004. Klasifikasi Tanah di Pulau Wokam, Kepulauan Aru, Provinsi Maluku. Dalam Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pertanian Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Papua. Penyunting : J. Limbongan, Y. Sujitno, N.E. Lewaherilla, A. Malik, dan M. Nggobe. Jayapura 5-6 Oktober 2004. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian. Bogor.
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